Orient Display’s response to COVID-19

Dear Valued Customers,

As we are all dealing with the outbreak of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know what to expect from Orient Display in the near term:

    • Washington State Governor Jay Inslee has announced “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order on March 23, 2020. In response to the Governor’s Executive Order, we want to let you know that we remain open since we serve as the essential workforce under the Critical Manufacturing Sector of the essential business.
    • The majority of our customers are critical manufacturers and suppliers of sensor, safety, and machine monitoring automation used directly in the manufacture of products for Medical, Food and Logistic industries. Thus, we as the critical supplier in the supply chain, will remain open to maintain supply of these parts.
    • Additionally, our offices have instituted best prevention practices as defined by the CDC, including social distancing measures, masks where appropriate, and heightened cleaning protocols as well as providing accommodation for staff who can work from home.

Our team members’ safety is our number one priority which is why we began taking these precautions early and proactively.

Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.
Stay safe out there and we look forward to continuing to serve you.

Orient Display Team